Equist .Ltd

Equist is committed to providing valuable assets in the heart of Tokyo.

Equist is committed to providing valuable assets in the heart of Tokyo.

Please leave anything to us.

Equist is a professional group that provides real estate with valuable assets.

Equist is a professional group that provides real estate with valuable assets.

Please leave everything to us.

We provide one-stop support for real estate transactions.

We provide one-stop support for real estate transactions.


There are things we can do because we are real estate professionals who put the customer first.

At Equist, we calmly analyze the various requests and issues that there are as many customers as we have, and respond to each customer’s individual requests.

We promise you trust and peace of mind.

Equist will do our best to make our customers\' dreams come true. ``With Equist, you can trust your real estate needs with peace of mind.\'\' We are proud of the words we have received from our customers, and will continue to strive to provide even better transactions.

Our strengths
Business content

Our strengths

We also provide total legal and tax support.

In addition to buying and selling real estate, we work with experts in various fields to provide consistent services.


“I’m glad I left the transaction to you.”
To satisfy our customers and have them say so.

Each customer has different requests and concerns. At Equist, we provide the optimal service according to each person's situation.

Business content

We primarily handle real estate in central Tokyo.

In addition to newly built and used homes, we also have residential properties such as condominiums.
We handle not only housing and investment land, but also investment properties such as buildings, apartments, and condominiums.
If you would like to start looking for land to build a home or investment property, please feel free to contact us.